“High Focus Drug Rehab in Poughkeepie helps individuals suffering from addictions recover from addictions by offering a one-on-one treatment program geared towa…
“High Focus Drug Rehab in Poughkeepie helps individuals suffering from addictions recover from addictions by offering a one-on-one treatment program geared toward meeting the specific needs of an individual patient. It is committed to providing its patients with the highest level of personalized, coordinated care while maintaining a setting that is highly supportive of their recovery. The addicted individuals are referred to only those in need whom they will not harm. This also includes individuals abusing alcohol or drugs.” (Omni Times-Poughkeepie News, Mar 16, 2021).
“The Mental Health Associates of the Triad Drug Rehab in High Point offers state of the art outpatient facilities including: Psychology, Mental Health Services, Mental Health Associates of the East Coast, and Drug Rehabilitation.” (Triad Drug Rehab in High Point North Carolina, Apr 2021). “The mission of Mental Health Associates of the Triad Drug Rehab in High Point, North Carolina is to provide quality drug addiction treatment and mental health services to all of our clients. We provide services to people who are emotionally and physically addicted to prescription drugs, including people who are abusing them or have a dependence on alcohol or illegal drugs such as marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc. We treat these patients as a family, treating them like a long-term partner in the recovery process.”
“Mental Health Associates of the Triad Drug Rehab in High Point, North Carolina offers comprehensive substance abuse treatment, inpatient detoxification, inpatient treatment for detoxification (inpatient or residential), and inpatient drug abuse treatment services.” (Triad Drug Rehab in High Point North Carolina, Apr 2021). “Mental Health Associates of the Triad Drug Rehab in High Point, North Carolina provides drug abuse treatment services for people with a substance abuse and addiction problem. Treatment includes detoxification, medication maintenance, and education. “(Triad Drug Rehab in High Point North Carolina, Apr 2021).
Review Mental Health Associates of the Triad.