Cognitive Connection Drug Rehab in Hickory, North Carolina is a faith-based drug treatment center that helps addicts overcome their physical addictions to alcoh…
Cognitive Connection Drug Rehab in Hickory, North Carolina is a faith-based drug treatment center that helps addicts overcome their physical addictions to alcohol and drugs. The treatment provided at the center focuses on cognitive behavior therapy for the patient. This therapy helps the addict to identify the root cause of his addiction and the reason he uses drugs and then aims to conquer it. By achieving this, the addict will not only free himself from physical constraints but also free himself mentally and spiritually.
Unlike most substance abuse treatment facilities that aim at getting the patient rid of his addiction through medication, cognitive addiction treatment centers help patients see things from a different angle. They try to help addicts understand their compulsion towards drugs and the consequences of continued use. Through careful counselling, they attempt to help the addicts realise that they have the power not to give in to their addiction. And that is the first step towards getting them off the addiction track and back on the straight and narrow road to recovery.
The center offers both inpatient and outpatient services. Outpatient treatment is mainly provided in cases where the addict has a severe addiction or has been reliving the effects of his past use. They are treated with holistic medications and therapies to help them recover completely. On the other hand, inpatient treatment is mainly provided to those who need constant support and counseling during their rehabilitation process. However, the number of people in inpatient treatment is significantly much lower as compared to the number of people in outpatient treatment centers.
Review Cognitive Connection.