Marijuana has been under the spotlight in recent years thanks to its health-boosting properties that’s why it has been breaking off from its long-standing poor reputation as different countries have started to recognize its positive role in the medical field. As its legalization and regularization push through across the world, you’ll see different sectors make the most of marijuana’s properties—from the wellness industry, the beauty scene, skincare to being the go-to natural painkillers for chronic conditions.
While more and more countries start to accept marijuana and conduct deeper research on this organic drug, the streets find ways to go around legal restrictions by creating a synthetic copycat of cannabis, also known as the mojo drug. Riding on top of the cleaner high cannabis brings, the mojo drug often creeps up behind with its detrimental effects.
What Exactly is Mojo Drug?
While marijuana is a plant with a THC content, which is its primary active ingredient, the mojo drug comes in a pill or something in a powdery or crystal-like form. Seeing as it’s a synthetic form of marijuana, the mojo drug is made up of chemicals that attempt to mimic the euphoric impact of THC, but it can put a person’s body in a state of overwhelming anxiety and psychosis.
Marijuana vs. Mojo Drug
While marijuana is still considered a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances act due to its potential for misuse and abuse, the high it produces is technically cleaner and safer compared to other drugs since its well-known cannabinoids attach to the body’s natural receptors. The psychotropic, mind-bending high may feel overwhelming for some, but it typically causes healing effects and does not have any addictive properties.
On the other hand, the mojo drug tries to replicate the psychedelic, mood-boosting effects of marijuana but is made up of unregulated chemicals that can be fatal and addicting in more ways than one. With the mojo drug, the hallucinations, anxiety, irritability, and tremors are more acute and even cause a bigger “crash” after its effects wear off. As more people get hooked on the effects of the mojo drug and its cheap price, the chances of getting hooked become a bigger threat.
As more and more countries legalize marijuana, the need to develop a synthetic form of cannabis is highly needed. However, the mojo drug is often made up of different chemicals that negatively affect the body. The drug is typically easier to acquire since it doesn’t require a prescription, yet it brings a whole list of side effects that are risky and harmful to the user.
A person can easily get hooked on the mojo drug, which can ruin their lives and the lives of their loved ones. If you or someone you know is struggling with abuse or addiction to the mojo drug, it’s best to seek professional help as soon as possible to avoid the harm that this synthetic drug can bring.
How is Mojo Drug Made?
The mojo drug is often made from K2, a blend of herbal incense that comes in a variety of forms, including liquids, herbal smokes, and powders. It contains synthetic cannabinoids, which are often sprayed on the plant material.
A mojo drug user typically has no idea what they are putting into their bodies or any potential dangers they are putting themselves at. Because the drug is not regulated and doesn’t require prescription, its ingredients and components are not disclosed. This makes it hard to determine the health effects, not to mention the potency of each dose.

What are the Effects of Mojo Drugs?
Much like marijuana, the mojo drug can cause visual or auditory hallucinations and can impact a person’s mood, perception, and thought process. What makes the mojo different is that its effects are more severe and can cause much more harm to the body.
The physical effects include the following:
- Increased heart rate
- Speech problems or confusion
- Seizures
- Dizziness or vertigo
- Muscle spasms
- Tremors
On the other hand, the psychological effects involve the following:
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Mild psychosis
A person who is believed to be under the influence of a mojo drug will become disoriented and confused. Their pupils will become larger, and their breathing may be erratic. The drug can be ingested in a number of ways, such as smoking, sniffing, or orally.
What are the Long-Term Side Effects of Mojo Drugs?
The mojo drug affects the brain in a way similar to other hallucinogenic drugs and has detrimental effects on the user. It can quickly give the user an intense high, making them anxious and paranoid. When the high wears off, you’ll find that the person experiences a severe “crash.” With that in mind, long-term abuse of mojo drugs can lead to the following debilitating side effects:
- Seizures
- Anxiety
- Delirium
- Possible psychotic episodes
- Irritability
- Inability to focus
- Rapid heart rate
- Increased blood pressure
- Increased body temperature
Is the Mojo Drug Addictive?
While it may not cause severe physical dependence, the mojo drug is definitely addicting. A person may find it difficult to stop using the drug because of its quick-acting effects. Not to mention, using the drug regularly can lead to anxiousness, irritability, and even depression, all of which can ultimately compromise the user’s relationships and life in more ways than one.
The mojo drug’s unpredictability makes it all the more dangerous to abuse, and as a person continues to use these drugs, they may also experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop cold turkey. The withdrawal symptoms include the following:
- Anxiety
- Panic
- Agitation
- Irritability
- Trouble sleeping
- Severe cravings
- Headaches
Tapering Off Your Addiction to the Mojo Drug
The high rate of teen marijuana use is alarming. In some states where marijuana is not legalized, and teens can’t get their hands on it, they often find themselves turning to the next best thing: mojo drugs. With addiction to the mojo drug comes the risk of possible side effects and adverse reactions.
As you may already know, addiction is a cycle of negative emotions, destructive behaviors, and negative thoughts. If you know someone who is abusing mojo drugs, it’s best to provide the proper help they need to wean off their addiction in the most possible way.
The Bottom Line
While marijuana can have its own share of risks, it has not been directly linked to deaths. On the other hand, the side effects of the mojo are more adverse and can put a person in danger.
In the end, this drug may sound like a quick fix to relieve your pain, but its effects can be devastating. The mojo drug will not only worsen your condition, but it can also cause more harm to your body.
If you want to kick your addiction to drugs, help is just a phone call away. Contact a professional today and learn more about the possible treatment solutions. With the high rate of drug abuse and addiction across the world, it’s always suggested to avoid any form of substance abuse.