“Asheville Addiction Center, specializing in alcohol and drug addiction recovery, is dedicated to meeting the demand for effective, evidence-based treatment for…
“Asheville Addiction Center, specializing in alcohol and drug addiction recovery, is dedicated to meeting the demand for effective, evidence-based treatment for people with a substance abuse disorder. Our highly skilled therapists and staff provide customized treatment plans for every patient. Whether you need to detox from drugs and alcohol, undergo a detoxification procedure, attend marriage counseling, find a job, or find a support group, we can help,” says Dr. Patrick Volk, Director of the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment Center at Western Virginia Medical School in Portsmouth. “We offer cutting-edge treatment and comprehensive benefits for our clients, saving them time and money while helping them put their lives back together.”
“At Asheville Recovery Center we aim to offer an unyielding dedication to quality, compassionate, treatment while emphasizing the importance of recovery as an ongoing, lifelong commitment,” said Dr. Richard F. Lapetino, certified psychiatrist and medical director of the Betty Burchfield Mental Health Center in Charlotte, NC. “There are no quick fixes here–we want you to recover completely and wholeheartedly, but with the understanding that we cannot provide a cure, but can help you become aware of, avoid, or overcome your addiction problems.” A full range of long-term and short-term treatment options are offered by the Asheville Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center, including, but not limited to, inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, spiritual support, gender-specific treatment, life coaching, relapse prevention, family programs, support groups, education and more. In addition, the center offers spiritual resources for those who are new to addiction recovery and offer a place to share your feelings and experiences in a safe, confidential environment.
The above information is just a small sampling of what is available at the Asheville Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center. We know you have a tough decision to make regarding your drug addiction, so we want you to take the time to research all your options so you make the best choice for you and everyone you love. If you are ready to make a clean start, then contact us today! We are dedicated to giving you a real recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. We will work with you to create a drug rehab program that will help you achieve the goal of a life without addiction.
Review Asheville Recovery Center.